When we look at our list of clients, we see an inventory of problems we’ve helped solve. ModernComms embrace problem-solving and ensure our solutions are sustainable over the long term.
Residential Customers
Ascertain whether poor Wi-Fi is a result of the Service Provider or due to your home network. Modern Comms will establish which of these factors is contributing to your poor internet experience.
The installation of internal and external IP cameras for your home including remote viewing and recording functions.
The supply, transfer and configure of new IT Hardware.
The prioritization of bandwidth for office applications via firewall / router set up and the use of SD-Wan.
Business Customers
The building and implementation of a disaster recovery plan that will regain functionality to your IT Infrastructure after cyber-attacks, hardware failures or natural disasters.
The development and implementation of an IT security strategy that will protect your systems from cyber-attacks.
The planning and project management for the relocation of IT and telecommunication infrastructure during office moves.
The implementation of moving digital assets, data, IT resources and applications to cloud infrastructure.
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