We make Internet Communication Technology (ICT) work, simply.

We make Internet Communication Technology (ICT) work, simply.

We assist businesses and residential customers to overcome IT challenges, improve performance and maximize effectiveness from IT investments.

The vast array of ICT services on offer can be overwhelming. We provide IT solution and service recommendations, planning and implementation and ongoing system management. In addition, Modern Comms offers IT cost analysis, IT Architecture guidelines, and drafting of a comprehensive IT strategy to align with your business objectives.

ModernComms will evaluate which products and providers will best suit your requirements. We also offer on demand IT Support throughout London and Greater London Areas.

Paul Johnson

With over 20 years’ experience in IT, Telecommunications and Cloud as ex CEO of a prominent South African Internet Service Provider, Paul Johnson, founder and primary consultant of ModernComms UK, understands how to make technology work for you and your business.

IT Consulting:
Our 7 Step Approach

Discuss > Assess > Evaluate > Recommend >

Implement > Review > Maintain

Get in touch
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A: Dakota, Brooklands Business Park, Weybridge, UK KT13 0YP
T: 07774 700300
E: hello@moderncomms.uk

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Get in touch
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A: Dakota, Brooklands Business Park, Weybridge, UK KT13 0YP
T: 07774 700300 / +44 330 0578
E: hello@moderncomms.uk